Results and published photo
I have again one photo published in magazine FOTOVIDEO 3/2018 Here I am on the final 13th place.
The distinction "Artiste FIAP" (AFIAP)
V januári tohoto roku mi udelila Medzinárodná federácia fotografického umenia so sídlom v Paríži fotografický titul AFIAP – Artiste de...
High heels - funny family photoshooting
Pozrite si jednu sériu fotiek z rodinného fotenia, kde synček pomáhal svojej mame obuúvať topánky. Seria je plná lásky a smiechu.:) Check...
New photos
New photos taken this year. Classical fine art nude photos and some photos lighten by projector.
Merit in PhotoShoots Awards 2018
This year I have received two Merits on my two photos in the PhotoShoots Awards 2018 competition. Here below are some screenshot from the...
Product photography - Poppy-seed soaps and chocolate
In mid of January I was asked to photograph some products. I said yes, and here are some photos from this product photo shooting. Poppy...
My new business card
My new business cards arrived this week:) I am happy with the result. Lets see how they will work in the "offline" world.
FOTOVIDEO - Dve moje fotografie umiestnené v súťaži
V aktuálnom vydaní magazínu Fotovideo 2/2018 sa v súťaži Fotograf roku 2018 v kategórii portrét umiestnila jedna moja fotografia na 19....
MONOWARDS 2017 - Honorable mention
I received Honorable mention in the MONOAWARS 2017 NUDE, amateur photographers category.
Update info regarding webpage
So, the design of the page seems be ready.:) (for undefined time) The price-list is still under construction, preparation etc. In near...